MUTATE is improvised, experimental soundscapes: dark ambient, intense in nature, mixing live drones
with off-kilter beats, shortwave radio and random foundsounds. Usually.
MUTATE live, employs processed guitar/bass guitar, dictaphones, tapes, vinyl, tape loops, TR-606,
samples, radio and primitive looping to construct anything from dense soundfields to expansive ambient
textures. In the studio, styles and genres are blurred and juxtaposed.
MUTATE has collaborated with numerous fringe artists, including Milk (The Mekano Set), Hyaena Fierling,
D.N.P., Crystal Set, ten:ten, Cities Prepare For Attack!, Alex Charles/Thee Moths, Kommissar Hjuler &
Mama Baer, and Hsin Yi Chang (Glass Diamond).
MUTATE is the solo project of UK sound maker, Ade.
Where to find latest news:
I keep a blog which details new releases, any ongoing projects,
developments, etc. The updates tend to be detailed. For shorter communiqués, there's a Facebook page
that is updated more frequently - this is the place to get latest news and events. There is also a Twitter
feed. Regards sound, when I'm working on something, I sometimes post ideas on Soundcloud. You can
investigate the pages I tend using the links at the bottom of this page.